questions About Candidate Part II
questions About Candidate Part II
How do you handle criticism?
Suggestion: Choose your answer wisely.
Sample Answer: A nice and constructive criticism helps me.
Although, abusive or bad criticism may hurt my feelings,
it will not reduce my performance.
How do you manage your time?
Suggestion: Should be positive, and explain with example.
How do you handle deadline and pressure?
Suggestion: Be positive in your answer and explain with example.
How do you persuade someone to agree with your point of view?
Suggestion: Answer may include explaining your view, showing the positive side, etc.
Sample Answer: By communication, I tell them what benefit
my point of view will bring for them.
I explain the up side and the down side of my proposal
and most of the time they agree. I am always ready to negotiate
and modify my plan with their input, if the situation demands.
So things always work out.
What do you find frustrating?
Suggestion: Be positive in your answer, explain with example.
Are you willing to learn new skills? Can you learn fast?
Suggestion: Answer should be yes. Give them an example where you really learn fast.
Do you have problem in getting along with others?
Suggestion: Be positive, should not be a problem.
How do you deal with surprises?
For example: In an exam you have been asked a question from a topic
that has never been taught to you; how do you handle it?
Sample Answer: I try not to get nervous.
First I answer all the questions I know and then
I go back to this problem. I answer it as best as I can.
Did you prepare for this interview? How?
Suggestion: Answer may include: researching about the company,
reviewing your skill, etc.
Remember this question may generate more questions
and you must be ready to answer them.
What are your hobbies?
Suggestion: Talk about your good hobbies.
Do you like to travel?
Suggestion: Answer should be yes, however, be honest.
Do you have any problem in relocation?
Suggestion: Tell the truth.
Remember, the more flexible you are the more chances you have to get the job.
Where would you like to be in five years?
Suggestion: Be positive and honest.
Do not give an impression that you will leave or take over someone
else's job (worse if that is the position of the interviewer).
Sample Answer: In five years I want to be a valuable part
of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage
a challenging project and bring in the latest technology that will benefit the company.
How do you handle criticism?
Suggestion: Choose your answer wisely.
Sample Answer: A nice and constructive criticism helps me.
Although, abusive or bad criticism may hurt my feelings,
it will not reduce my performance.
How do you manage your time?
Suggestion: Should be positive, and explain with example.
How do you handle deadline and pressure?
Suggestion: Be positive in your answer and explain with example.
How do you persuade someone to agree with your point of view?
Suggestion: Answer may include explaining your view, showing the positive side, etc.
Sample Answer: By communication, I tell them what benefit
my point of view will bring for them.
I explain the up side and the down side of my proposal
and most of the time they agree. I am always ready to negotiate
and modify my plan with their input, if the situation demands.
So things always work out.
What do you find frustrating?
Suggestion: Be positive in your answer, explain with example.
Are you willing to learn new skills? Can you learn fast?
Suggestion: Answer should be yes. Give them an example where you really learn fast.
Do you have problem in getting along with others?
Suggestion: Be positive, should not be a problem.
How do you deal with surprises?
For example: In an exam you have been asked a question from a topic
that has never been taught to you; how do you handle it?
Sample Answer: I try not to get nervous.
First I answer all the questions I know and then
I go back to this problem. I answer it as best as I can.
Did you prepare for this interview? How?
Suggestion: Answer may include: researching about the company,
reviewing your skill, etc.
Remember this question may generate more questions
and you must be ready to answer them.
What are your hobbies?
Suggestion: Talk about your good hobbies.
Do you like to travel?
Suggestion: Answer should be yes, however, be honest.
Do you have any problem in relocation?
Suggestion: Tell the truth.
Remember, the more flexible you are the more chances you have to get the job.
Where would you like to be in five years?
Suggestion: Be positive and honest.
Do not give an impression that you will leave or take over someone
else's job (worse if that is the position of the interviewer).
Sample Answer: In five years I want to be a valuable part
of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage
a challenging project and bring in the latest technology that will benefit the company.
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