TATA Infotech 2004
Written Test
The test consists of two parts.
Part A: Aptitude -- 100 questions 100 marks subdivided as:
Verbal Section
Letter series (alternately number series can be given)
Numerical Problems Figures & Flowcharts
Part B: Computer knowledge test (purely technical) -- 50 questions 50 marks
The normal topics incl. C, Operating Systems (both Windows and UNIX),DBMS etc are covered.
A different paper is held for EE students.
The pattern of the test is known to vary from time to time.
The interview questions were mainly on data structures, computer architecture, operating systems and computer network etc.
Directions: Give the synonyms for the following words
1. Depreciation:
2. Deprecate :
3. Incentive :
4. Echelon :
5. Innovation :
6. Intermittent :
7. Detrimental:
8. Conciliation :
9. Orthodox:
10. Fallible :
11. Volatile :
12. Manifest:
13. Connotation :
14. Reciprocal:
15. Agrarian :
16. Vacillate :
17. Expedient :
18. Simulate :
19. Access :
20. Compensation:
21. Truncate :
22. Adherence :
23. Heterogeneous:
24. Surplus :
25. Assess :
26. Cognizance :
27. Retrospective :
28. Naive :
29. Equivocate :
30. Postulate :
31. Latent :
32. Fluctuation :
33. Eliminate :
34. Affinity :
35. Expedite :
36. Console :
37. Adversary :
38. Affable :
39. Decomposition :
40. Agregious :
41. Conglomeration:
42. Aberration:
43. Augury :
44. Creditability :
45. Coincident:
46. Constituent :
47. Differential :
48. Litigation :
49. Moratorium: .
50. Negotiate :
51. Preparation :
52. Preponderant :
53. Relevance :
54. Apparatus :
55. Ignorance :
56. Obsession:
57. precipitate :
Directions: In the following questions complete the series
NOTE: This section is quite tough and consists of 26 questions to be done in 10 minutes. Please keep track of time.
1. A C B D E F G I - I H K J L
2. A I Z B E Y C I X D I - G E N J W
3. A D G J M P - R W T S
4. A B C E F G I J K - M L O N P
5. A B F G K L P Q - T S V U W
6. J W X U V S T - Q P S E T
7. A R H X Y T D T W S T - N P T K R
8. F M B I P Z V I E V - I R Y O U
9. N Z I Y C X KW F - J F V M Y
10. A A S A S P A S P K A - R Q T S U
11. A E C P S - T R U E
12. B B P R D D L N F F I K - H Q J I K
13 A Z E X I V M T - R Q N S O
14. A B D G K P - L I W U X
15. B C D A E G H I F J L M N L K N M O
16. X W E F G V U H I J K - P N S R T
17. O D J T O P Q N O E R T - Q O U V W
18. P R N U U P E J R B B - H V U N E
19.L U L M G M N F N P S - O N Q P S
1. 420% OF 7.79 = ?
2. 3427 / 16.53 = ?
3. 10995 /95 = ?
4. 43+557-247 =?
5. 3107*3.082= ?
6. 48.7 + 24.9 - 8.7 = ?
7.525.0/47.8 = ?
8. (135-30-14)*7 - 6 +2 = ?
9. 3/8 * 5.04=?
10. 697 /219 = ?
11.8/64 +64/16 =?
12. 298 * 312 / 208 = ?
13. 0.33 *1496 /13 = ?
14.0.26 + 1/8 = ?
15. 66.17+1/3= ?
16. 2.84+1/4= ?
17. 33% OF 450 = ?
18. 907.54 / 0,3073= ?
19.There are two categories of persons in ratio A:B = 2:3. A type earns 2.5 dollars/hr and
B type 1 dollar/hr total money earned by both is 24dollars. Then what is the total number of persons
20. Total balls are z, the number of red balls is n and the remaining are blak balls,then the % of black
balls equal to ?
21. If A = C, B = 2D what should be done to make the ratio same. i.e.a/b = c/dAns. Multiply A by 2
22. If P=Total number of components, Q = number of defective components .What is the % of non defective components?
23. If the cost of an article is x , first discount given is y% of cost, second discount given is z% of cost .
The selling price of x is
24.Which of the following are prime numbers
(a) 119
(b) 115
(c) 127
(d) none
25. A / B = C; C > D then
(a) A is always greater than D
(b) C is always greater than D
(c) B is always less than D
(d) None of these
26. If B>C and A< than larger is following the of which>
27. If for H hours of work the salary is S and the employee gets x hours of medical leave, then what is the salary/hr ?
28. ( 1/6 of 596) / (0.695) = ?
29. 35-30 + 4/7 - 5 + 1 = ?
30. 10995 + 95 = ?
31. If on a salary of Rs."S" per month,one has to pay one tax of x Rs. and a second type of tax of y Rs
then % of salary taken home is?
32. B>A then which expression will be highest value
(a) A-B
(b) AB
(c) A+B
(d) Can't Say
33. K, L are men who take home a salary of x, y respectively.The total amount taken home is
34. If out of X bulbs y bulbs are broken;The % of non broken bulbs
35. If on a salary s per month, a tax of x% of the salary and another of r% of the salary is deducted what is the income.
36. 0.512 * 18902358 =?
37. If the % of defective balls is 10% balls,and the number of defective balls is 5.The number of balls is
38. 6.29% of 2.8 =?
39. 0.398 * 456= ?
40. 0 < x < 1 which is greater
(a) 1/x2
(b) 1/x
(c) x
(d) x2
41. If c = a/b; a-1 = c, what is the relation between a and b?Ans. b = a/a-1
42. What is the sum of 7 consecutive odd numbers with 27 as the fourth number
Directions: There are 7 flow charts and each has 5-6 blank rectangles/diamonds with
sub question number in the rectangle/diamond. You have to fill the blank from the
5 options given against respective question number
NOTE: These types of questions are not at all tough. You have to understand the logic and then it is very easy to fill the blanks. Some information is provided for getting to the answers. There will be blanks which have to be filled.
Examples of flow charts asked to be filled :
(1) There are 3 boxes of 3 balls each. you have to select the heaviest among all.
(2) There are red and black balls in a box. You select some balls from the blocks. If the ball
(3) chosen is red then you get one point. If the chosen ball is ball black and previous ball is red then you get two points. For winning u have to get seven points. No point for selecting consecutive balls of the same color.
3) Classify objects in class A, class B and scrap. for classing you have to do different tests such as weight test, material test etc.
(4) There is production process in which action depends on temperature and pressure and we have some temperature and pressure controls. Draw a flowchart to complete the process.
(5) Find max. and min. of the 12 nos. in an array. Arrange the array in ascending order and find the maximum and minimum value in the array
(6) Different age group are given and also different salary slabs are given. Depending on the salary group as well as his group you have to classify the group of people in particular class.
Written Test
The test consists of two parts.
Part A: Aptitude -- 100 questions 100 marks subdivided as:
Verbal Section
Letter series (alternately number series can be given)
Numerical Problems Figures & Flowcharts
Part B: Computer knowledge test (purely technical) -- 50 questions 50 marks
The normal topics incl. C, Operating Systems (both Windows and UNIX),DBMS etc are covered.
A different paper is held for EE students.
The pattern of the test is known to vary from time to time.
The interview questions were mainly on data structures, computer architecture, operating systems and computer network etc.
Directions: Give the synonyms for the following words
1. Depreciation:
2. Deprecate :
3. Incentive :
4. Echelon :
5. Innovation :
6. Intermittent :
7. Detrimental:
8. Conciliation :
9. Orthodox:
10. Fallible :
11. Volatile :
12. Manifest:
13. Connotation :
14. Reciprocal:
15. Agrarian :
16. Vacillate :
17. Expedient :
18. Simulate :
19. Access :
20. Compensation:
21. Truncate :
22. Adherence :
23. Heterogeneous:
24. Surplus :
25. Assess :
26. Cognizance :
27. Retrospective :
28. Naive :
29. Equivocate :
30. Postulate :
31. Latent :
32. Fluctuation :
33. Eliminate :
34. Affinity :
35. Expedite :
36. Console :
37. Adversary :
38. Affable :
39. Decomposition :
40. Agregious :
41. Conglomeration:
42. Aberration:
43. Augury :
44. Creditability :
45. Coincident:
46. Constituent :
47. Differential :
48. Litigation :
49. Moratorium: .
50. Negotiate :
51. Preparation :
52. Preponderant :
53. Relevance :
54. Apparatus :
55. Ignorance :
56. Obsession:
57. precipitate :
Directions: In the following questions complete the series
NOTE: This section is quite tough and consists of 26 questions to be done in 10 minutes. Please keep track of time.
1. A C B D E F G I - I H K J L
2. A I Z B E Y C I X D I - G E N J W
3. A D G J M P - R W T S
4. A B C E F G I J K - M L O N P
5. A B F G K L P Q - T S V U W
6. J W X U V S T - Q P S E T
7. A R H X Y T D T W S T - N P T K R
8. F M B I P Z V I E V - I R Y O U
9. N Z I Y C X KW F - J F V M Y
10. A A S A S P A S P K A - R Q T S U
11. A E C P S - T R U E
12. B B P R D D L N F F I K - H Q J I K
13 A Z E X I V M T - R Q N S O
14. A B D G K P - L I W U X
15. B C D A E G H I F J L M N L K N M O
16. X W E F G V U H I J K - P N S R T
17. O D J T O P Q N O E R T - Q O U V W
18. P R N U U P E J R B B - H V U N E
19.L U L M G M N F N P S - O N Q P S
1. 420% OF 7.79 = ?
2. 3427 / 16.53 = ?
3. 10995 /95 = ?
4. 43+557-247 =?
5. 3107*3.082= ?
6. 48.7 + 24.9 - 8.7 = ?
7.525.0/47.8 = ?
8. (135-30-14)*7 - 6 +2 = ?
9. 3/8 * 5.04=?
10. 697 /219 = ?
11.8/64 +64/16 =?
12. 298 * 312 / 208 = ?
13. 0.33 *1496 /13 = ?
14.0.26 + 1/8 = ?
15. 66.17+1/3= ?
16. 2.84+1/4= ?
17. 33% OF 450 = ?
18. 907.54 / 0,3073= ?
19.There are two categories of persons in ratio A:B = 2:3. A type earns 2.5 dollars/hr and
B type 1 dollar/hr total money earned by both is 24dollars. Then what is the total number of persons
20. Total balls are z, the number of red balls is n and the remaining are blak balls,then the % of black
balls equal to ?
21. If A = C, B = 2D what should be done to make the ratio same. i.e.a/b = c/dAns. Multiply A by 2
22. If P=Total number of components, Q = number of defective components .What is the % of non defective components?
23. If the cost of an article is x , first discount given is y% of cost, second discount given is z% of cost .
The selling price of x is
24.Which of the following are prime numbers
(a) 119
(b) 115
(c) 127
(d) none
25. A / B = C; C > D then
(a) A is always greater than D
(b) C is always greater than D
(c) B is always less than D
(d) None of these
26. If B>C and A< than larger is following the of which>
27. If for H hours of work the salary is S and the employee gets x hours of medical leave, then what is the salary/hr ?
28. ( 1/6 of 596) / (0.695) = ?
29. 35-30 + 4/7 - 5 + 1 = ?
30. 10995 + 95 = ?
31. If on a salary of Rs."S" per month,one has to pay one tax of x Rs. and a second type of tax of y Rs
then % of salary taken home is?
32. B>A then which expression will be highest value
(a) A-B
(b) AB
(c) A+B
(d) Can't Say
33. K, L are men who take home a salary of x, y respectively.The total amount taken home is
34. If out of X bulbs y bulbs are broken;The % of non broken bulbs
35. If on a salary s per month, a tax of x% of the salary and another of r% of the salary is deducted what is the income.
36. 0.512 * 18902358 =?
37. If the % of defective balls is 10% balls,and the number of defective balls is 5.The number of balls is
38. 6.29% of 2.8 =?
39. 0.398 * 456= ?
40. 0 < x < 1 which is greater
(a) 1/x2
(b) 1/x
(c) x
(d) x2
41. If c = a/b; a-1 = c, what is the relation between a and b?Ans. b = a/a-1
42. What is the sum of 7 consecutive odd numbers with 27 as the fourth number
Directions: There are 7 flow charts and each has 5-6 blank rectangles/diamonds with
sub question number in the rectangle/diamond. You have to fill the blank from the
5 options given against respective question number
NOTE: These types of questions are not at all tough. You have to understand the logic and then it is very easy to fill the blanks. Some information is provided for getting to the answers. There will be blanks which have to be filled.
Examples of flow charts asked to be filled :
(1) There are 3 boxes of 3 balls each. you have to select the heaviest among all.
(2) There are red and black balls in a box. You select some balls from the blocks. If the ball
(3) chosen is red then you get one point. If the chosen ball is ball black and previous ball is red then you get two points. For winning u have to get seven points. No point for selecting consecutive balls of the same color.
3) Classify objects in class A, class B and scrap. for classing you have to do different tests such as weight test, material test etc.
(4) There is production process in which action depends on temperature and pressure and we have some temperature and pressure controls. Draw a flowchart to complete the process.
(5) Find max. and min. of the 12 nos. in an array. Arrange the array in ascending order and find the maximum and minimum value in the array
(6) Different age group are given and also different salary slabs are given. Depending on the salary group as well as his group you have to classify the group of people in particular class.
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