Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tips - During Interview

Tips - During Interview

Be yourself and smile.
Do not try to be someone else or lie.
Be confident
or at least show it (it is very natural to be nervous).
A warm smile,
firm handshake,
eye contact,
and good posture all counts.
Do not sit until you are offered a chair.
Sit upright, look alert and interested at all times.
Do not bring any food or beverage with you.
Avoid distracting gestures or making too many hand gestures.
Listen carefully before you answer.
If your are not sure about the question,
rephrase the question in your own words and clarify it.
However, do not make the interviewer repeat questions
too many times which may work adversely.
If you don't know an answer, just say so politely.
No one expects you to answer all the questions,
however a wrong answer may harm your chance.
If you feel that you have made a mistake,
or said something you wish you hadn't, you can address it directly.
Do not answer before the interviewer finishes his question.
Speak clearly and avoid "uh", "you know", and slang.
If there is more than one interviewer, address all of them,
not just the person who asked most of the questions.
Do not argue or try to prove the interviewer is wrong.
Avoid answering with "yes" or "no", elaborate and answer to the point.
If you did some work or project on the subject of the question, mention it.
(This may generate more questions on that subject.
You may impress them with your knowledge in that subject
or you may expose yourself if you lie).
Stress accomplishments.
Do not bore the interviewer with unnecessary details.
Do not lie or exaggerate about your experience.
Ask questions wisely.
Your questions may generate more questions
See next category about this.
Do not talk about your bad experiences or weaknesses voluntarily.
This is not the time or place to bring them up.
If they asked about it, answer in a less damaging way.
Again, be yourself and smile.



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